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My commitment to youth engagement, global health, and climate change advocacy has shaped my involvement in youth-led organizations and high-level political assemblies. While I am now fully dedicated to advancing digital health through innovative research, I continue to support key initiatives in Digital health, UHC, and the Sustainable Development Goals. Below is a summary of my advocacy activities and significant projects.

Summary of current positions and most important activities #

  • Vice-President for External Affairs | IFMSA 10/2023-12/2023
    • Advocating on behalf of over 1.5 million medical students worldwide
    • Member of the global Executive Board
    • Advocacy focus on Digital Health Universal Health Coverage Sustainable Development Goals
  • Officer in the Office for Education Policy | Austrian Students’ Union 08/2021-04/2024
  • 76th World Health Assembly of the WHO, Delegate for the IFMSA 05/2023
    • Cocoordinating the AWG on Health Emergencies and Pandemic Prepardeness
  • 74th World Health Assembly of the WHO, Delegate for the IFMSA 05/2021
    • Member of the Advocacy Working Group on Health Emergencies
  • Vice President for International Affairs, AMSA 2022-2023
    • Acting NMO President for the IFMSA
    • Part of the national Excecutive Board
  • Vice President for External Affairs, AMSA 10/2020-09/2021
  • Vice Head of Students’ Union at the Sigmund Freud Privateuniversity | ÖH SFU 12/2021 - 06/2023
  • Head of the Student Representative for Medicine | STVMED 07/2019-06/2021
  • Founding member of the Alumniclub der SFU Medizin | AC SFU MED 2019-present
  • UNITE 2030 Youth Delegate Program | UNITE2030 2022
    • Cohort 6, Disruptors Track

International Federation of Medical Students’ Organisations #

The IFMSA is a prominent youth-led organization globally, uniting 1.5 million medical students from 137 National Member Organizations in over 130 countries.

Positions: #

  • 10/2023-12/2023 Vice-President for External Affairs
    • Member of the global Executive Board
    • Advocating on behalf of 1.5 Million Medical Students worldwide
    • Act as primary Liaison Officer to the United Nations and the World Medical Association
    • Official IFMSA Representative to several event
    • Head of external relations and advocacy coordinating a team of 6 Liaison Officers, 5 Regional Directors (From Americas, Africa, EMR, Europe and Asia-Pacific)
    • Manages an International Team of 12 advocates

Activites and Events: #

  • 08/2023 IFMSA General Assembly, August Meeting
    • New Delhi, India | Presidents Sessions
  • 2023 Youth PreWHA & 76th World Health Assembly
    • Geneva | Cocoordinated AWG on Health Emergencies and Pandemic Preparedness
  • 2023 European Regional Meeting, EuRegMe
    • Sarajevo | Presidents Sessions, Head of Delegation (HoD)
  • 2023 SWG on External Affairs Competency Framework
  • 03/2023 IFMSA General Assembly, March Meeting
    • Tallinn | Presidents Sessions, HoD
  • 2023 European Presidents Weekend
    • Prague
  • 09/2022 Strengthening Capacity of Health Workforce in Digital Transformations
    • GHFutures2030 & IFMSA Online Workshop | Participant | Online
  • 09/2022 Training New Trainers (TNT)
    • SRT Andalusian Youth Camp | Malaga, Spain
  • 09/2021 71st Regional Committee for Europe, WHO Delegate
    • Represented IFMSA
  • 08/2021 IFMSA General Assembly, August Meeting
    • Presidents Sessions | AM21 OC Digital Assistant
  • 2021 SWG PRACT Toolkit Development
    • Public Relations and Advocacy Communication Training
  • 05/2021 74th World Health Assembly, WHO Delegate
    • AWG on Health Emergencies | Published in The Lancet Public Health
  • 03/2021 IFMSA General Assembly, March Meeting
    • Presidents Sessions | MM21 Online Engagement and Support Team
  • 2021 EuRegMe
    • Presidents Sessions
  • 2021 PRactise Makes Perfect Workshop
    • Developed IFMSA 70 years campaign | Graduation project
  • 11/2020 EA Workshop Participation
  • 2020 EuRegMe
    • SCOPH Sessions
  • 09/2020 LEAD Workshop (Learn, Educate, Appreciate, Develop)
    • Training T4All ANEM Portugal | Online

Austrian Medical Students’ Association | AMSA #

I am active at AMSA adovacting for all medical students in Austria. AMSA was originally founded in 1951 and is founding member of the IFMSA.

Positions #

  • 11/2022-09/2023 Vice President for International Affairs (VPI), Executive Board
    • Acting NMO (National Member Organisation) President within the IFMSA
    • Head of the Delegations to the IFMSA General Assemblies and EuRegMe
  • 10/2020-09/2021 Vice President for External Affairs (VPE), Executive Board
    • Advocacy, External relations with partners, Stakeholder-mapping
    • Statements, Publication of policy papers and advocacy, Application for Awards
    • Fundraising, Transparent information for sponsoring
    • Event organisation with EB: 4 National GAs, EBMs, EEBMs, AMSACon2020
    • National Trainings & National SC Weekends
  • 2020 - 2021 Co-Head of Sub Regional Training Organizing Committee
    • Planning, Meeting Facilitation
    • cancelled due to COVID-19
    • Head of PR of SRT OC 2021, PR Strategy, Merchandise
  • 2020 Webmaster
    • Development of new website
  • 2020 Presidents Assistant for PR and Web
    • Social Media and Website Management
    • Assisted the President in strategic and planning of event promotion and campaigning

Projects #

  • 2021 Climate Change(s) Health
    • Team lead for AMSA, Campaign planning, designs, website developement, evaluation, zoom webinar management
    • 7 sessions over 7 weeks with 5000 visitors in total
  • 2021 & 2020 Mental Health Awareness week - MHAW
    • Campaign planning, designs, interviews
  • 2020 & 2021 European Vaccination week - EIW
    • Campaign planning, designs, video editing

Austrian Students’ Union | Federal Representation of Students | ÖH #

The Österreichische Hochschüler_innenschaft Bundesvertretung (ÖH) Austrian Students’ Union is the elected student body advocate for the interests of alls Austrian Students, act as the students’ political representation as well as offering services and hosting events.

  • 08/2021-04/2024 Officer in the Office for Education Policy
    • Spokespersons of the Chairpersons’ Conference of the private universities
    • Organisation of the Chairpersons’ Conferences of the private universities
    • Review of the education contracts
    • Consultation service
    • Networking
  • 2021 Quality Assurance and Accreditation Training (QS Pool Schulung) | Participant - Member of the Accreditation Pool

Students’ Union at the Sigmund Freud Private University | ÖH SFU #

Austrian National Union of Students at the Sigmund Freud Private University, Vienna, Austria: ÖH SFU

  • Vice Head of ÖH SFU 12/2021-06/2023

    • Led strategic initiatives for student welfare and academic experience enhancement.
    • Collaborated with university bodies for student representation and advocacy.
    • Coordinated student events and activities, promoting campus community engagement.
  • Speaker for Education Policy 07/2021-12/2021

    • Advocated for educational policy improvements and reforms.
    • Organized educational workshops, enhancing student skills and knowledge.
  • Head of the Student Representative for Medicine 07/2019-06/2021

    • Organized 41 events, enhancing student engagement and community building.
    • Conducted weekly meetings to streamline student representation and address concerns.
    • Spearheaded the development of two buddy programs to foster peer support and integration. over 1200 students participated
    • Led the development of the website, improving online presence and accessibility.
  • Member of the Senate 07/2019-06/2021

    • Served in the highest elected decision-making body/committee at SFU.
  • Clerk in the Department for Public Relations and Communication 07/2019-06/2021

    • Oversaw the development of the website, enhancing digital communication.
    • Contributed to the development of the Corporate Identity (CI) Manual, solidifying brand consistency.

Alumni Club of the SFU Faculty for Medicine, Vienna Austria #

Founding Member of the Alumni Club der SFU Medizin #

  • 09/2021 - Present Secretary

    • Drafted the constitution and various forms.
    • Handled graphic design and communication duties.
  • 12/2019-09/2021 Chairman for Students

    • Served as a student representative.
    • Played a key role as a founding member.

Other Experience #

2022-2023 International Certificate on The Principals of Bioethics and Human Rights in Health Science course #

2022 UNITE 2030 Youth Delegate Program Cohort 6 | UNITE2030 #

  • Participated in the Disruptors Track, focusing on pioneering strategies and transformative leadership to address global challenges
  • Selected as one of the top 100 leaders from over 3,000 applicants, showcasing exceptional skills in leadership and potential for impact
  • Honored as the “Disruptor of the Year,” recognizing outstanding contributions and innovative approaches to societal and global issues

2016-2018 Education Against Tobacco | Aufklärung gegen Tabak #

  • Tübingen Branch Group Leader 2017
    • Conducted interactive tobacco prevention training for school classes.
    • Led training sessions for new members to become tobacco educators.
    • Managed branch administration and organization tasks.
  • German Conference of Tobacco Control Participant 2016 & 2017
    • Attended the German Conference of Tobacco Control.
    • Collaborated with the WHO Collaborating Center for Tobacco Control and the Non-Smoking Action Alliance at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany.

2015-2018 Fachschaft Medizin Tübingen #

  • 10/2017-10/2018 Deputy student member of the Study Commission of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tübingen, Germany
  • Student Member of several appointment committees of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tübingen, Germany
  • Website development and Corporate Design see code
  • 04/2015-06/2017 Rock your Life Tübingen
    • Guided a mentee through a year-long journey, focusing on unlocking their individual potential and expanding their personal and social competencies.
    • Assisted in improving the mentee’s academic performance and facilitated a successful transition to either higher education or the workforce
    • Engaged in activities such as career information research, application writing, and study support, while also participating in sports and other personal development exercises

Workshops & trainings #

Under the teaching section you find selected workshops I have been part of as a participant or trainer.